Monday, August 17, 2009

Dinner and Dessert

I had two culinary successes this weekend!

Dinner was Chicken Kebabs with Grilled Corn and Tomato Salad from Real Simple Magazine. I did everything except man the grill - I decided that could be Donald's job.

I mentioned in my other post about the weekend that I handled raw chicken for the first time in years to make this recipe. In the past, that has also been Donald's job. For whatever reason, I have had a hard time dealing with raw meat - sight, texture, etc. - and I had gotten in the habit of passing it off to him. This time I was determined to do it myself, without using tongs!

The meal was a huge success! Donald and I had never had grilled corn before and it actually tastes different than boiling it. Donald remarked that the charred kernels tasted a little like popcorn. The only change I would make is to skip the salt on the tomato salad. Oh, and I used cherry tomatoes from the garden, of course.

Dessert was Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies, posted by Cookie Momster on Tasty Kitchen. The batch I made resulted in about 4-dozen cookies, which was awesome when I calculated the calorie count at 137 calories per cookie. My finished cookies were about 2-3 inches in diameter. I followed the recipe exactly and used shiny (not non-stick), un-greased cookie sheets. I also had to leave them on the pan for about a minute before trying to move them to a cooling rack. They needed to harden a little and not crumble into happy little bite-sized pieces (Oh dear! nom nom).

These cookies will forever be in my recipe book from now on. Donald's parents had some after dinner last night and they both scolded me for bringing something so delicious into their home. I enjoyed that very much.

Hopefully there will be some left when I get home this evening.

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