Monday, January 4, 2010

Rocking 2010

Happy New Year everyone! I am amazed to report that I have been incredibly productive since the beginning of the year and I think I owe much of it to all of you!

January 1 - Donald and I went through all of his clothing (just like I did in my Great Clothing Clean-out Project), removing three large bags of clothes. I started cleaning out our file cabinet (motivated by Unclutterer) - it was cheap and buckled when we moved, so we need to get rid of it, a perfect opportunity to get rid of some paper.

January 2 - I finished cleaning out our file cabinet, reducing four file drawers to three small square boxes of files. I overflowed our recycling basket there was so much unneeded paper. I also filled a garbage bag with shredded paper from documents with sensitive information on them.

January 3 - I got up and went to yoga class. I ran errands, including recycling all of the paper I removed from our filing cabinet, donating the clothing from Donald, and picking up a book from the library. I spent some time doing some research for the Veterans organization I support.

I have a feeling that being at work will impede further progress at the same pace. It's probably good, though, for me to slow down a little and enjoy the progress I have made so far.

How have all of you been doing with your new year so far?

I'm planning blog posts soon with updates on my mom conversations, my thoughts on faith and gratitude, and more thoughts on marriage. Are there topics you'd like to hear about from me?

I'm editing my post to add the following:
Hayden and Lance both wrote about their new theme words for 2010 and as I was reading Hayden's post, my word struck me suddenly, clearly illustrated by the progress I have already made this year - CLEANSE. I will declutter and organize, cleansing my space. I will breathe deeply and intentionally, cleansing my body. I will reaffirm my faith and gratitude and present-ness, cleansing my soul.

Do you have a word for the year?

I wish you the best in 2010!


  1. I'm reposting a comment from Jessica (Http://

    "My new year? Crazy. Lots of you know :)

    Also - I was your first commenter EVER?? I feel totally special. :)"

    I responded: "I'm excited to see your changes, Jessica. And yes, you were! You didn't read my 2009 recap, did you?! BUSTED! :)"

  2. I'm reposting a follow-up comment from Jessica (

    "No...TODAY! I'm going to read it NOW. You've shamed me. :)"

    I responded: "Woo hoo!"

  3. I'm reposting a comment from Kate (

    "My theme is two words: fearless communication. It's really stuck with me since the Four Christmases post."

    I responded: "Great theme, Kate! I'm glad your posts are helping you clarify your path and your goals! I'm looking forward to seeing your fearless communication in 2010."

  4. I'm reposting a comment from Wilma (

    "Hi Daphne, what you showed in the new year was doing things differently consciously.
    You actually choose to do things and take actions, you created!
    My word for the new year is choosing, as it involves taking responsibility for making things happen.
    You go and make 2010 happen consciously and you will be productive, purposeful and effective AND loving and joyous while you do it. THAT is what we are here for, hugs Wilma"

    I responded: "Wilma, it's amazing how much of a difference it can make to just pay attention a little more to what I do and why. Choosing is a wonderful word for your 2010!"

  5. I'm reposting a comment from Hayden Tompkins (

    "Oh, wow, Daphne...creating space to breathe...and BE. I love it!"

    I responded: "Thanks so much for the inspiration, Hayden!"


I welcome and appreciate your comments!